Last Updated on: 8th December 2023, 01:07 pm
Read this article before you decide whether solar lights are right for you.
Have you ever wondered about the pros and cons of solar lighting? Before you plop down your hard-earned money, it is wise to know why you might want to invest in these lights.
This type of illumination has numerous advantages, but many homeowners still choose to connect their lighting to the grid. One of the biggest is the ability to pop them into place and run off solar power, reducing electricity bills. They are also easy to install and portable. If you move or decide to sell your property, you can take your solar lighting with you.
Pro: Solar lighting doesn’t require electricity
Solar lighting systems do not require electricity and are ideal for outdoor use. They eliminate the need to install underground wiring and eliminate monthly energy bills. These outdoor units are weather-resistant, and some come with a lifetime replacement warranty. They can also be used in a home landscape lighting project. However, it is essential to note that solar lights receive less power when sunlight is not direct.
In addition to being inexpensive, solar lighting systems are also easy to install. They require no wiring and can be installed anywhere with full sunlight. They can be staked into the ground or set along fences or gutters. You can also mount them on vertical surfaces like rooflines and walls. This way, you won’t have to worry about tripping hazards. Solar lighting systems are also suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Solar lights are a great way to illuminate your yard or garden without using electricity. They give off a wide range of light without burning candles or tying cords to the electrical grid. They can even illuminate your pathway.

Pro: Solar lighting is simple to install
Installing solar lights is a relatively simple process. The first step is to choose the proper location. Ideally, you should place the lights in areas that receive the most sunlight. This will ensure that they function efficiently and charge their batteries for longer. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions and all the safety precautions.
Before installing a solar light, consider the type of light you need. Some lights produce a wide beam, while others are narrower and can be angled to highlight specific points. Spotlights are ideal for highlighting certain areas of a yard or garden. They are usually mounted on a stake and are more prominent than path lights. Other types of lights, such as wall lights, are installed on an external wall and provide added security at night.
Solar lights are a great way to reduce energy costs and help reduce greenhouse gases. They are also inexpensive and do not require professional installation. A professional solar energy company can provide tips to keep your lights working efficiently and save you money.
Pro: You can take solar lights if you move
One advantage of solar lights is that they can be used all year long. It doesn’t matter what time of day or season it is – they will add a beautiful ambiance to your home. If you decide to move, solar lights can be put into a storage unit, where they can be kept dry, clean, and safe.
They can be an excellent option for illuminating walkways, driveways, and pathways. They can come in different sizes – from the size of a Christmas tree to twenty feet long. Just be sure to purchase a model that matches your intended area because a 20-foot solar light will be too small for a large patio. You can also choose a solar light that automatically turns on if someone walks near it.
Pro: Solar lighting adds charm to the patio
Outdoor solar lighting is a great way to illuminate the patio or deck without electricity. You can choose from a beautiful and vast array of styles that will enhance the ambiance of your patio or deck. These lights are easily installable and durable, using renewable energy from the sun to provide reliable light.
Decorative units add a vintage look to the patio using very little electricity. Many of these lights feature exposed filaments, giving them a nostalgic glow. They’re durable and built to withstand the weather, and they will add a unique aesthetic to your patio or deck. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about adjusting or maintaining them because they’re powered by the sun.
String solar lights are easily installable. They can be installed into the ground, staked on the lawn, or attached to a wall. The lights can provide ample light without sacrificing security. Some outdoor models even have motion-sensing sensors that prevent tripping and are energy-efficient.
Con: Solar light battery replacement
If the brightness is starting to dim, you may want to consider replacing the battery. If you have a path light, you can easily remove the cover to access the battery. Use a flat screwdriver or butter knife to pry the cover if the light does not have a removable cover.
Sometimes, you can use a standard AA battery if you do not have a spare lithium-based battery. These have a higher energy density than the older nickel-based batteries. You can also opt to use a rechargeable nickel metal hydride battery, which is better for the environment. However, be sure to choose a battery that does not contain mercury. This will ensure that you get the best performance from your solar light.
One note, if you use any battery type other than what the manufacturer advises, you will likely void your warranty. So, while those battery swaps might get you out of a bind, we advise that you should do so–it’s just worth a mention.
Replaceable batteries are available for many solar lights. Typically, new ones have a plug-in connector at the end of their wires. However, if your solar lighting has a circuit board, the replacement battery may not fit. Therefore, you must do extra work to connect the battery to the circuit board. However, this may be more cost-effective than replacing the entire solar light.
Con: Solar lighting might not last all night
One of the cons of solar lights is that they might not work all night. This is caused by debris and dust on the top of the solar panel. These items block sunlight from charging the solar panel, making it ineffective at night. It is possible to clean the panels with a garden hose, but ensure you clean them gently to avoid any accidents.
To increase the life of this equipment, place them in areas that receive full sunlight. Avoid placing them near buildings or artificial lighting, as this will throw off the sensors. You should also wipe the solar panels every once in a while to ensure they stay clean and functional.
While these sun-powered lioghts do have a built-in sunshine sensor, they might not last all night. Depending on how they are set up, the panel can be too far away from a nighttime light source. If this happens, the lights will not work correctly. In addition to this, other light sources can fool the Lux sensor.
Con: Solar lighting requires sunshine
Solar lighting is an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to electricity. Sun-powered lights require no wiring and do not increase energy bills. They use LED bulbs and solar panel technology to produce light, making them last longer than traditional wired styles. The downside is that they are entirely dependent on sunlight. They also have limited light output and almost no color control. They also require batteries.
There are no currently no good replacements for sunlight. Unlike natural sources, solar lights produce only fifty to one hundred lumens, not nearly enough to fill a living room. By comparison, sunlight provides up to 100,000 lumens on a sunny day. This means that indoor bulbs can never charge their cells like natural light. So, they would probably not work for you unless you can set the lights out in the direct sun.

The Takeaway: Solar Lighting Can Be Easy to Install, But Is Best for a Sunny Yard
Solar lights can be tremendous if you live in a place with sufficient sunshine to power them most days. If your yard is very shaded or you need to illuminate a north-facing building, you might prefer the more complex solution–corded power lights to do the trick.
Author Profile

- Randy Tayloe is the COO of Tayloe's Lawn Care Service, LLC. He is a certified custom applicator, recognized by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture Pesticide Division. A native of Bertie County, NC, and graduate of Bertie High School, he wants to beautify his home county - one yard at a time.
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