
Fauna: Attracting and Caring for Wildlife in Your Garden

Our gardening and lawn care website has a dedicated category for fauna, where we provide expert guidance and resources to help you attract and care for various wildlife in your garden. Our fauna category covers all aspects of creating a wildlife-friendly garden, from selecting the right plants to providing water and shelter for your animal guests.


We offer practical advice on selecting and planting various trees, shrubs, and flowers attractive to myriad animals, including birds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects. We also provide information on creating different habitats within your garden to attract different types of wildlife, such as building birdhouses, bat boxes, and bee hotels.

In addition, we will guide you on how to care for your wildlife guests. We share tips on maintaining bird feeders, bird baths, and other wildlife-friendly features. We also offer advice on seasonal tips, controlling pests and invasive species in a way that is safe for wildlife and the environment.

Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher, a butterfly enthusiast, or just someone who enjoys having a bit of wildlife in your garden, our fauna category has something for everyone. We provide clear and concise information, step-by-step guides, and helpful videos to help you attract and care for various animals in your garden. By creating a wildlife-friendly garden, you’ll not only enjoy the beauty and diversity of nature but also help support the health and well-being of the local ecosystem. Explore our fauna category today and enjoy a wildlife-friendly garden’s many benefits.

american robin

American Robin: 8 Tips for attracting the beautiful songbird to your yard

Robins are one of the earliest signs of springtime. The American robin (Latin: Turdus migratorius) is a lovely feathered friend who makes an early-season appearance to welcome the warm temperatures of spring. This bird is a shining beacon of hope that the gray winter months will soon end and long, lazy summer days are imminent.

American Robin: 8 Tips for attracting the beautiful songbird to your yard Read More »

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